Curious? We would love to show you our vibrant and happy school.

Music for all

Rated by The Good Schools Guide as creating “possibly the best music (they have) seen in a school“, we encourage the children to participate in ground-breaking childrenโ€™s concerts, using the very latest technology to enhance the childrenโ€™s performances.

All children (from Reception to Year 8) have a weekly music lesson where they learn and appreciate different genres from Rap to Classical and learn how to compose.

They also have the opportunity to learn virtually any instrument they want, including the Ukulele, Harp, Organ and Marimbas.

Endless opportunities

The Department consists of a dedicated team of teachers, many of whom are also active performers in their field.

There are a number of music groups for the children to join including jazz, orchestra, rock, drums and Marimbas.

We have three choirs and an acapella group which all children are welcome to join.

Children are encouraged to take instrumental music exams to raise their performance level, with some 30 children taking music exams each term.

There are numerous practice rooms available to use throughout the day, in the evenings and at the weekend.

Every child in the school is involved in performing in concerts and shows and will be on stage in front of a large audience at least twice each year.

Music Scholarships and Exhibitions are numerous with children winning places at many prestigious schools in recent years.

Music is a vital part of life at Windlesham

Each year some 80% of children learn a musical instrument and every child in the school is involved in at least two major musical productions or concerts in the year.

We aim to increase self-confidence through expertise, whilst stimulating every pupil to explore and improve their individual musical ability.

Musical performance is something in which we believe strongly and see huge benefits to all children whatever their talent and level.

We regularly put on informal concerts at break times which staff, children and visitors watch and support.

We are an active and forward-thinking department and perform regularly in the local community and with alumni and the extended โ€˜Windlesham familyโ€™.

And as one parent recently commented, the end of term Christmas concert is legendary!

Richard Fitt, Head of Curriculum Music