
Another exciting week in the HUB. As Mr Calas, a micro:bit ambassador for 2024, and some of our juniors, were invited to join BBC micro:bit live on their playground survey code along. We even got a shout out!

The playground survey is a scheme of work that provides a practical approach to understanding the value of data and how data is used in today’s world – ‘the BBC micro:bit playground survey’. This event is a UK-wide exploration of the places our children visit nearly every day, and ones that can have a huge impact on their lives and local communities.

This term, Year 4 has been studying data logging using the Arduino Science Journal app on their iPads as well as the micro:bits, so this opportunity worked perfectly for us. We have been exploring our beautiful grounds in the glorious weather over the past few weeks.

This year, our pupils have enjoyed the variety of topics covered in computing. From creating media, exploring data, understanding online safety to practically applying computer science. All the skills and learning experiences aimed at not only developing subject-specific skills but preparing them for future education and life. You can follow the exciting computing learning journeys on Instagram by following @thehub_windleshamhouseschool


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