
“Siteng really enjoyed the event and learnt a lot of new things that he couldn’t learn just in classrooms and books. It really broadened his horizon and inspired him exploring the world with a new perspective.”

Now in its second year, the Diploma & Futures programme is proving to be invaluable to our Year 7 & 8 pupils as we prepare them for their future. We continue to equip pupils with the skills and attributes required to flourish at senior school and beyond. Our first annual careers morning showcased many different professions and gave pupils the opportunity to enquire and explore the huge variety of opportunities available, helping to guide them to their future chosen professions.

Our pupils were delighted with the morning; Ariella said, “I wish the event was all day as there were so many different careers being showcased”.

Michael Q was delighted to have been able to talk to Dr Evans. “I loved her story and now know lots about her. When she wasn’t married, she went to a lot of places and did lots of things; she knows how clothes are made, ate lots of food in different places. Then she got married and had children. Now she is working in schools but she told me that she will keep going when her children get older. Everyone is amazing, everyone is different. That is the world!”

Siteng found the careers fair an inspiring experience. “There were so many different professions including doctors, GPs and even a virtual reality game designer. I was talking to Dr Watkins as his past job was crypto and I was quite interested in crypto. He told me that crypto is just like Sainsburys points. In Sainsburys, 100 points equals one pound but outside Sainsburys, 100 points is worth nothing. Bitcoin, a popular crypto currency, is currently worth over 40k but in reality, it is worth nothing – it is just what people think the value is worth. The careers fair was an enormous boost for my morale as I realised how many jobs there were out there. The careers fair was very inspirational and I cannot wait for another year”.

George K declared the careers fair was a great way to showcase the many jobs that existed and some that he had never thought of in the first place. “The wide variety of jobs there gave me the thought that there are many more and unique opportunities when we grow up, and when we do grow up, there will be many more opportunities to explore. There was also a barrister, which is a lawyer that gives the case to the judge. She actually saved the best football club in Wales (Cardiff City) from being disbanded by convincing the judge to let them off. Overall, the careers fair really broadened my horizons on what I want to be when I grow up”.

Speaking eloquently, Terence was “privileged to attend an engaging and enlightening careers fair meant to help us dig deeper into different types of professions available to us while we grow up and eventually prepare to go into the working world. The event proved to be an eye-opener, with numerous professionals in all sorts of industries offering great insights into their selected fields. Right from the very start, it was crystal clear that this wasn’t going to be some ordinary job expo but rather one thoughtfully curated in an attempt to help us explore many different paths we might take in our careers”.

Jadyen J spoke to Dr Marr and Dr Hetherington. “I know I want to become a doctor for my chosen career and I need to work for a degree in chemistry, biology, physics and maths. All these I am aiming for and with Windlesham’s education, these are perfectly attainable. I enjoyed talking to everyone and hearing what they did. Even the headteacher’s wife Dr Evans did environmental research! We had a whole period to explore these careers. We listened to a panel discussion where the three ladies were a barrister, a GP and a film producer (who even worked on ‘Mamma Mia! The Movie!)”.

The careers fair was a huge success. Our pupils were engaged, curious and questioning about their direction and futures. Mrs Sutherland, Senior Deputy Head was “delighted to have provided this invaluable opportunity to start our pupils thinking about their futures beyond Windlesham House”.

We are thankful to everyone who gave up their time to meet and be quizzed by the pupils. Our guests included Dr Marr (A & E doctor), Dr Hetherington (GP), Mr Randell (aircraft maintenance), Mrs Dewhurst (barrister), Dr Kragh-Ogomigo (occupational health), Mrs Dawes (fashion agent), Mrs Modi (business development), Mr Blair (teacher from Haileybury), Mr Cole (Near Light Gaming), Dr Evans (overseas environment and development research), Mrs Parry (chartered accountant), Mrs Hanrahan (film production) and Dr Watkins (manufacturing, crypto, research and development).

“The careers fair really broadened my horizons on what I want to be when I grow up.”

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