It has been another busy week in Reception! The children have been putting a great deal of effort into their writing this week practising their Windlesham pre-cursive letters and describing farm yard scenes using their phonics. In maths, the children learned new games to help develop their subitising, addition and subtraction. At home, games that involve rolling dice, moving spaces and taking turns will continue to strengthen these skills. .
In an effort to reinforce fundamental concepts of time, year 1 has been focusing on learning the days of the week and months of the year. Through interactive games, songs, and activities, our aim has been to ensure that every child is familiar with these important calendar elements. Please support your child’s learning at home by incorporating these concepts into your daily routines and conversations.
They have been on the hunt for Evil Pea in Year 2 after he left prints and paint all around the classroom. The children have done an excellent job of finding clues, making posters and even setting traps to catch him, although he has managed to evade them so far. They have also been working hard on their healthy snack bar designs and are looking forward to bringing them home in their very own packaging!