
Years 5 & 6 were treated to an amazing show of Mathematics by Gordon Montgomery, Deputy Head (Partnerships & Outreach) from Oundle School, presenting the Oundle STEM Roadshow entitled ‘A Series of Explicable Events’.  The children were in awe of the ways maths touches every aspect of our daily lives and how we can look at things from a different viewpoint. They tried their very best to win Gordon’s sweets, tie a rope without moving their hands and fold a regular pentagon with a strip of paper. It was a fascinating insight into how exciting maths can be and all our children certainly felt inspired by Gordon’s problems. It proved that we are all ready for “hard maths”, we just need to persevere. A show full of gasps, laughter and wonder – we will definitely be hoping to see Oundle’s Roadshow back at Windlesham House.

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