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Windlesham House Governors

Windlesham House School is owned and operated by The Malden Trust Limited (the Trust), a registered UK charity. The school’s governors are directors and members of the Trust. In conjunction with the Headmaster and senior management team, the governors have an over-arching responsibility for:

  • Delivery by the school of its strategic aims
  • Control of the school’s finances
  • Compliance by the school with charities and educational regulation and the setting of, and compliance with, the school’s policies

The Chair of Governors may be contacted in writing by letter addressed to the school, through the Bursar (telephone number 01903 874705), or by e-mail.

Martina Asmar

Chair of Governors & Director, Finance Committee, Health & Safety

Martina was a parent to two children at Windlesham House, who left in 2016 and 2018 respectively. She studied law with French law at Birmingham and Limoges universities. She then spent 25 years as a lawyer in the City of London with Clifford Chance and as a partner with Herbert Smith focusing on corporate finance and capital markets transactions. She is also a governor at Brighton College.

David Armitage

Governor & Director, Vice Chair, Chair of Finance Committee

David studied Civil Engineering at Southampton University and completed 25 years in the army, serving in various roles and countries. Since 2007, he has been the bursar (CFO, COO) of three independent schools; Frensham Heights, King’s College School Wimbledon and Charterhouse. He is now a consultant within the education sector.

Adam Perry

Governor & Director, Finance Committee, Safeguarding

Adam qualified as a solicitors in 1993 and has considerable experience in managing significant projects, particularly those around property and its funding.  Aside from working in private practice, he also runs two private UK commercial property investment companies, one for the benefit of a UK registered charity.  Adam knows the school well – both of his children were educated at Windlesham and he was previously a governor of the school between 2009 and 2019.

Patrick Hinton

Governor & Director, Boarding Committee, Health & Safety Committee

Patrick was a pupil at Windlesham House from 2002 to 2006. After studying history and politics at the University of Warwick, he joined the army, commissioning from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 2015. He has since gained an MA in international relations and more recently an MBA.

Sarah Kerr-Dineen

Governor & Director, Education Committee

Sarah was a pupil at Steyning Grammar School, from where she went on to get an MA in English from Trinity College Cambridge followed by graduate study at Christ Church Oxford. Sarah was a housemistress then director of studies at St Edward’s Oxford, moving to her first headship as Warden of Forest School London 2009-2015. She has been Head of Oundle School since 2015. Sarah is an advisory board member of the Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation and Chair of HMC’s pastoral and safeguarding committee.

Charlotte Johnston

Governor & Director, Chair of Education Committee

Charlotte is head at St Peter’s Preparatory School, Lympstone, Devon a position she has held since 2016. She is currently vice-chair of IAPS and an ISI Inspector as well as chairing the education committee as a governor at Windlesham House. Charlotte worked with Ben at his previous school, Edge Grove, for a number of years.

John Marriott

Governor & Director, Marketing Committee, Boarding Committee

John joined Windlesham House in 2012, having obtained both his BA and MA in ancient history at University College London. Before departing for Scotland in 2019, John held a number of roles at Windlesham House, including Head of Classics, houseparent, and Director of Studies. He completed an MBA at Durham University Business School in 2020 and is currently Deputy Head at Belhaven Hill School in Dunbar, Scotland.

Dr Clare Ives

Governor & Director, Marketing Committee

Clare studied History at the University of St Andrews and was awarded an MA and Ph.D. She started work in the Civil Service and moved into teaching in 2008 as a history teacher at Canford School, Dorset. She served there as Head of History, Boarding Housemistress and EDI lead before moving to Sevenoaks School, Kent, where she is Senior Deputy Head.

Michael Crawford

Governor & Director, Finance Committee

Michael is a Windlesham House alumnus from where he went to Wellington College and then Exeter University to study chemistry and law. He qualified as a chartered accountant with KPMG before embarking on a career in fund management working at Morgan Grenfell, Deutsche Bank and Bessemer Trust before founding Chawton Global Investors where he is currently managing partner.