Curious? We would love to show you our vibrant, happy and kind school.

When parents first visit Windlesham House, they will often question the differences between day and boarding pupils. Our reply? Very little!

Currently, 63% of our children are day pupils and enjoy the varied and exciting pace of life just as much as the boarders do.

Form groups are a mix of day and boarding pupils and prep is always completed together with the form tutor present. The only difference for day pupils is that they will travel home at the end of the school day.

Plenty of pupils take part in the after-school activities on offer, such as sports clubs, art, music, clay pigeon shooting, golf and drama (to name a few!). These activities not only enrich the children’s day but also provide a helpful buffer for parents who work and need to pick up their children after normal school hours.


″I definitely still feel part of the Windlesham House family, even though I am a day child.″

Sam, aged 12

School hours that work around learning and playing

Day children in Years 3 – 5 can finish either at 4.30pm or 6.00pm/6.30pm after prep, dependent on co-curricular and evening commitments. Day children in Year 6 and above will continue to finish after prep and activities at 6.00pm/6.30pm.

‘Wrap-around care’ gives day pupils the option to have their breakfast or supper at school if pre-arranged by parents. This flexibility allows the pupils to have more time with their friends, and parents gain breathing space in their busy day.

School minibuses ensure a smooth commute

Our school staff work hard to ensure that all areas of the day pupil’s school experience are smooth, including an easy commute to our semi-rural location. Our school minibuses run three routes daily, picking up and dropping off pupils around Sussex, giving parents peace of mind and also reducing the impact on the environment.

″Windlesham House produces happy, confident, well-rounded and well-behaved children.″

Windlesham parent

Flexible boarding options to suit every family

We often find that day pupils enjoy their school days so much that they wish to dip their toes into boarding life to try it out and if this is the case then we can offer trial boarding. We also offer part-boarding options for most pupils.

We strive to be as flexible as possible to support parents of day pupils. Temporary boarding is available for children whose parents need to travel for a period of time – just one of the many benefits available at Windlesham House.