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Academic overview

At Windlesham House, the curriculum is broad and engaging. We believe that children should be able to start their academic journeys with a wide range of subject options to help them a develop a full set of academic, creative and practical skills.

The academic subjects form the core timetable. Specialist teaching begins in the Pre-Prep with music, drama, world languages, PE, swimming, forest school, cookery, computing and art. This extends to include textiles, DT, Latin and classics, further through the school.

Our academic staff are key stage or subject specialists.

Windlesham’s ACE Learning Habits underpin teaching and learning; the pupils strive to be active learners, critical thinkers and explorers. These behaviours are recognised and celebrated across the curriculum.

Pupils are supported through supervised prep sessions, small-group interventions, academic clinics and an active Gifted and Talented Enrichment (GATE) programme.

All of this has produced an impressive track record of children being offered places at their chosen senior schools, many with scholarship awards.