
Day 1

The girls were incredibly excited to set off for Oxford on their cricket tour. Equipped with their smart new tour polo shirts, we were ready to hit the road. Spirits were high and some fantastic singing made the two hour journey worth it. Before travelling to St Hugh’s for their first match, the girls started off with a competitive game of bowling followed by some lunch. We arrived at St Hugh’s and the girls were ready to play their first match! After winning the toss the girls decided to have a bowl and put some pressure on the St Hugh’s team. Their bowling was faultless, accumulating a number of wickets and not conceding many runs. It was the girls’ turn to bat and they got off to a fantastic start, hitting singles, running between the wickets well and scoring the occasional boundary. The opposition made it difficult with their determined fielding and straight bowling. It all came down to the last over when Windlesham needed 6 to win… After consecutive boundaries and a few singles, the game was won! A fitting end and a lovely BBQ supper followed before we headed back to rest and recover.

Day 2

Friday started off with breakfast at the Premier Inn. The girls had a relaxing start after all of the effort they had put in the day before! Once they were changed and ready we headed to Oxford city shopping centre where the girls had 1 hour to shop in small groups. After shopping we headed to St Rye Antony/Headington for a triangular game. Before the game, the girls were treated to some fish and chips at the school! The girls won both of their games with ease, bowling fantastically and hitting some big shots and boundaries. One of our girls hit a six! After the matches had finished, the girls were offered the chance to use their outdoor heated pool. An enjoyable swim and quick change and we set off for a final activity at the trampoline park. Once the children finished bouncing around, we headed back to the town centre to Pizza Express. A mixture of dough balls, pizzas and brownies were consumed before a well deserved sleep.

It was an absolute pleasure to take the girls away on the cricket tour and they were perfect role models for the school!

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