The sun shone throughout the weekend which lifted everyone’s spirits and the outside spaces came to life with everyone making the most of the glorious weather. Jumpers were shed and sun cream was liberally applied as the grounds rang to the voices of excited children playing a variety of games or sitting quietly reading their books or making daisy chains.
A BBQ on Saturday evening was extremely popular with a delicious array of sausages, burgers, chicken kebabs and salads on offer. An ice cream for pudding and cream soda to drink left everyone feeling satisfied. Sunday morning and the sun was shining again and the majority of the boarders set off for a trip to the beach at Goring. They went off searching the beach and rock pools to see what they could find and they were not disappointed by the wildlife discovered and the fossils, shells and rocks that they collected to bring back home. Games were played on the grass behind the beach and a delicious picnic eagerly consumed.
Meanwhile the handful of children who had chosen to stay behind took part in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities and were treated to a ploughman’s lunch with a lovely variety of fillings to go with their baguettes. Later in the day once everyone had returned, the tuck shop opened for a few sweet treats and phone time gave everyone a rest in the shade. After supper most children chose to play outside once more, making the most of the sunny weather whilst it lasted. Once back in dorms they quickly settled down for a good night’s sleep after all that fresh air and exercise!