Curious? We would love to show you our vibrant, happy and kind school.

Our learning enrichment department’s role is to enable the children to be confident, independent and self-aware; ensuring they reach their potential. We ensure children have a broad and balanced education at Windlesham House and have access to the extra support and learning techniques that our department provides if needed.

We help build study programmes designed to foster positive and constructive attitudes towards learning whilst providing the skill sets needed to do well at common entrance level and beyond.

″Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn″

Benjamin Franklin

Boosting a child’s self-esteem and self-confidence

We work not only to boost children’s self-esteem and self-confidence but to also capitalise on and increase on their strengths. We have close contact with other educational and health-related professionals if more information, guidance and support is needed.

Our well-resourced department is actively involved in our school community. The team works closely with the subject teachers and pastoral staff to ensure that the learning experiences are maximised throughout all aspects of school life. 

We love to see the children develop into confident people who understand their areas of difficulty and know how to develop strategies to compensate for and overcome certain weaknesses.

Melissa Jordan, Head of Learning Enrichment